For every gamefowl breeder’s Partner in Production for optimal gamefowl breeding and performance.

Dualguard 20 is used to disinfect bacteria and H5N1 virus, Gumboro diseas virus, Foot and Mouth disease virus, floor, wall and equipment in the livestock farm, animal transport vehicle and mix in a disinfectant well.
Cleaning surface prior to disinfection mix Dualguard 20 with water in the ration as following:
To disinfect bacteria – 1:200 (1 part of product per 200 parts of water)
To disinfect Gumboro virus – 1:200 (1 part of product per 200 parts of water)
To disinfect H5N1 virus – 1:200 (1 part of product per 200 parts of water)
To disinfect Foot and Mouth disease virus – 1:100 (1 part of product per 100 parts of water).
Afterwards spray or pour on floor, wall and equipment and leave at least 10 minutes, then rinse off with water.
For disinfectant well – mix Dualguard 20 in the ratio 1:100 (1 part of product per 100 parts of water) for dipping shoes or wheel to move
through. No need to rinse off. Disinfectant in well should be replaced every day.
**Safe around corded gamebirds, but avoid spraying it directly to the bird.